Shit man! and I thought if I went into residential architecture I wouldn't get to work on big projects - HA take a look at what the 4th richest many in the world built for himself in downtown Mumbai. How do you do laundry in a house like this....oh yah - you don't, you are rich you don't DO anything but make money from your money.... and play with buildings as if they are tinker toys! Aren't you dying to know the value of this Home? 1 billion dollars! Even Dr. Evil drools over this one. Let me say that again with gusto.... 1,000,000,000 DOLLARS.... man gotta love excess... okay you don't... HEY RICH DUDE!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE WITH A BILLION DOLLARS? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU COULD HAVE FED? WELL..... I don't either but I am sure its a lot! With 400,000 sqft you could live in a different 10,000sqft floor every year for the next 40 years and that would still be too much space. Are you just bored? No really help me out... Was building a house this big REALLY necessary? and in Mumbai no less? you could have eliminated the slums of city with this kind of money - wouldn't that have been a slightly better use of your money for equal plublicity.... okay okay you might not have made it on "Who Built this Shit" but that probably wouldn't be the end of the world.... Who Built this SHIT!
Speaking as someone who worked on that project- imagine having a residential client- who wants a residence- and a skyscraper made out of concrete. And all the issues of both. NEVER again will I work on a project like this.