You have to wonder, you really do. So we are in a recession now and have been for YEARS. In that time you have seen thousands of really good architects lose their jobs and beg for work. We used to work for practically nothing but since the recession happened we have been known to work for free - even if we have years of experience and are licensed and are assuming liability and on and on and on... All of this just makes me wonder - why in a BUYERS market when there are MYRIADS of great architects working for next to nothing do homeowners still choose to hire home designers that are this bad! Hire an Architect folks! I cannot describe to you how much this "home" insults my senses. It is REALLY BAD!!! The sad thing is the colors are okay colors just not placed in the way they placed them and seriously people what is the deal with this ski chalet window treatment? and what the F is this stupid little chimney tower with windows ... i get it you were trying to fix your AWFUL elevation so you stuck a hat on it... did you not realize that the problems were much more fundamental... you would think there would be better NEW construction in a recession - its cheap to hire Architects and its cheap to get things built - there is just no accounting for taste i guess -I blame the client on this one too - you know they requested half of this shit from some bad grocery stand magazine that offered crap advice for $3.99- WHO BUILT THIS SHIT!!!!

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