Friday, June 25, 2010

Hail the King!

This building actually has a crown!  it is the anointed one!  I wonder if all the little buildings bow down to this one when no one is looking? This is like the post modern crown of thorns!  Let's get a better look at that crown....

ooooh i get it now its a control tower! it must be the control tower for that 17 lane freeway it hoovers over (no shit! 17 lanes!everything is bigger in texas!but thats a whole other story)  it is hard to show in pictures just how grotesque this crown is in person... i haven't even seen it at night - i bet it beacons to guide the way to folks driving in California who's navigation system fails.... Maybe its the ONSTAR headquarters! Who built this Shit!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Transformer Building?


I have loved this building for a long time. I jest.  I really just wish I can catch it transforming! I know for a fact that when you are not watching it transforms into a robot and walks around the suburbs searching for a Walmart big box to dance with... This image is a bit blurry but the white material is actually marble it is some kind of Po-Mo classical interpretation, in theory the president of the company sits in the golden seat behind the "face"...  why do people feel the need to add makeup to a building? why do you need to dress it up with geometric patterns - the 80s motif is not a classic one folks - Maybe the architects thought it would transform into a better looking building? We can only hope! Who builds this SHIT!